Economic Modernisation Vision

Unleashing Potential to Build the Future

A Comprehensive National Vision to Support and Develop the National Economy

It Started with Representatives of All Segments and Sectors of the Society, to Return to All Jordanians with the Approach of Change

Economic Modernisation Vision Document


Government Executive Program 2023-2025


Vision’s Strategic Goals

Accommodate 1+ million young females and males in the labor market

Increase income per capita by on average 3% per year
Improve Jordan’s ranking in the Global Competitiveness Index to the top 30 percentile
Double the percentage of Jordanians satisfied with their quality of life to reach 80%
Have one Jordanian city ranked among the top 100 cities in the world
Improve Jordan’s ranking in the Legatum Prosperity Index to top 30 percentile
Improve Jordan’s ranking in the Global Environmental Performance Index to top 20 percentile
Improve Jordan’s ranking in the Global Sustainability Competitiveness Index to top 40 percentile





Sectors and Sub-Sectors

Vision's Drivers

High Value Industries

104 initiatives spread over 9 sectors

Future Services

85 initiatives spread over 8 sectors

Destination Jordan

25 initiatives spread over 2 sectors

Smart Jordan

85 initiatives spread over 8 sectors

Sustainable Resources

18 initiatives spread over 2 sectors

Invest Jordan

16 initiatives spread over 1 sector

Green Jordan

20 initiatives spread over 3 sectors

Vibrant Jordan

13 initiatives spread over 2 sectors

Implementation Timeline

The implementation is scheduled to be implemented in 3 phases. Prior to the end of each phase, the roadmap will be reviewed to assess progress and the need to reprioritize actions in collaboration with private sector partners

Implementation Phase I


This is the most critical phase of the implementation with a strong and scalable foundation for Jordan’s future journey. 93% of the 344 initiatives will be implemented within this phase, including quick win initiatives to be fast-tracked during the remaining period of 2022, as identified by the sectoral economic workshops. At the end of this period in 2025, a thorough review of the roadmap should occur to take into consideration the changing environment and its implications so that the long-term targets, priorities, and implementation agenda can be refined to best meet Jordan’s long-term ambitions.

Implementation Phase II


The second phase will build on the progress achieved in the first phase. The focus of this phase will be on fully leveraging and further extending the achievements of phase one. This phase will also take into consideration the most recent developments that will have created new opportunities to capitalize on, but also new challenges to confront.

Implementation Phase III


This represents the last phase of the Vision's journey. In this phase, the focus will be on preparing to meet the needs of the subsequent decade by setting new long-term directions, creating new foundations, and catalyzing the necessary changes ahead of time. The related plan will be developed in 2029.


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